Channel: Sea Levels
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Here's what would happen to Earth if all the ice melted

National Geographic showed us in 2013 that sea levels would rise by 216 feet if all the land ice on the planet were to melt. This would dramatically reshape the continents and drown many of the...

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Scientists just found something disturbing about sea-level rise that could...

New research suggests that some of the early data of sea-level rise as a result of climate change may be skewed. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo may have led to biased results, but researchers...

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Every map of Louisiana is a lie — what it really looks like should scare you

A version of this post originally appeared on Matter. It’s becoming harder and harder to communicate the most urgent crisis facing Louisiana. According to the U.S.G.S., the state lost just under 1,900...

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This disturbing discovery about sea-level rise could throw predictions way off

New research suggests that some of the early data of sea-level rise as a result of climate change may be skewed. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo may have led to biased results, but researchers...

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Animated map of what Earth would look like if all the ice melted

National Geographic showed us in 2013 that sea levels would rise by 216 feet if all the land ice on the planet were to melt. This would dramatically reshape the continents and drown many of the...

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What US cities will look like under 25 feet of water

Coastal cities could see a rise in sea levels by as much as 4 ft by the end of the century. To help put a visual to the number, artist Nickolay Lamm created this series of simulations of US city...

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Sea levels may be rising twice as fast as we thought

The climate is changing and the seas are rising. But some of the trends are easier to predict than others. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached levels not seen for 15 million years just as...

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'It is happening here and now': New York City is prepping for the looming...

New York (AFP) - On calm days, waters innocently wash against the aging seawalls at Manhattan's southernmost park, but in decades to come they could inundate the island's lower districts. If the...

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Here's what happened to sea levels the last time Earth was this warm

The last time Earth's thermostat was cranked as high as it is today, sea levels were high enough to completely drown New Orleans (had it existed at the time), new research suggests. Ocean surface...

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Arctic and Antarctic sea ice just hit record lows — here's what would happen...

After decades of moderate sea ice expansion, NASA is witnessing something it did not expect. Right now, the amount of sea ice in the Arctic is around as high is it will be all winter, but new records...

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Animated map of what Earth would look like if all the ice melted

Many of the effects of climate change are irreversible. Sea levels have been rising at a greater rate year after year, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates they could rise by...

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Antarctica's cracking ice sheet is part of a process that could reshape the...

The first summer without an Arctic ice sheet is already on the horizon. The massive chunk of frozen ocean has capped the northern pole of our planet year-round for millennia, but it's now at risk of...

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Animated map shows what the US would look like if all the Earth's ice melted

President Donald Trump has reportedly decided to take the US out of the Paris climate accord, Jonathan Swan reports at Axios, citing two sources. Politico and CNN are also reporting Trump's intention...

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6 major US cities could be underwater within 80 years — here are the...

If the worst climate-change predictions come true, hundreds of coastal US towns and cities — from Atlantic City, New Jersey, to Galveston, Texas — could disappear underwater by 2100. The National...

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Animated map shows what would happen to Asia if all the Earth's ice melted

Sea levels are rising. The oceans have been pushing higher at a greater rate year after year due to melting ice. And the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates they could rise by...

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Cities around the US are flooding at high tide and on sunny days at record...

Sea level rise is threatening coastal cities around the world. If you live in a city like Miami, New York City, or Charleston, the evidence is apparent if you head to the right neighborhood during...

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Americans that live in these cities are most likely to suffer from floods

Global warming and rising sea levels are making it riskier to live or own a home on the coast. The US cities most at risk to global flooding are New York, Seattle and San Francisco — the country's...

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Internet access could be threatened by rising sea levels in as little as 15...

Researchers predict that more than 4,000 miles of internet cable will be permanently flooded in the next 15 years. New York, Miami, and Seattle are most vulnerable to infrastructure damage....

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An island in India is disappearing, but some of the last residents say they...

Ghoramara Island, located in eastern India, is gradually disappearing due to rising sea levels. The island is only about 1.8 square miles in size — half of it was 20 years ago. Most residents have...

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If Earth spun sideways, extreme winters and summers would doom life as we...

Earth spins on a 23.5-degree tilt, which is responsible for the seasons as we know them. But if Earth's axis tilted to 90 degrees, extreme seasons would cause intense climate change on every...

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